It's about that time of year again when many children start getting pumped up for their upcoming vacation during the summer. You might be seeking activities to participate in with your children now that the school year ends. If you want to use our epoxy resin this summer or any other time, we want to ensure everyone keeps safe. While it is OK to allow your children to join in on the fun while you are working with resin, we want to ensure everyone is safe.

Because each brand undergoes a unique manufacturing process, the guidance provided in this blog may not apply to other products or be as risk-free for their consumption as it is for ours.
When is the appropriate age for a youngster to start using craft resin?
You are already aware, as parents, that some children, depending on their age, may be better suited to working with particular craft items. You should remember this while shopping for craft supplies for your kids. However, children of any age should always be under the supervision of an adult while working with Craft Resin. We prefer that children over 12 use our products; however, children of any age should follow this recommendation when working with Craft Resin.
Even though 12 is the age at which it is advised that children begin working with epoxy resin, you should hold off until they are older if you are concerned about their safety. You are in the best position to offer guidance about this topic because you know your children better than we do and because children develop at different speeds depending on their age.

What kinds of preventative measures do I need to have my child take?
In a single word, yeah. If you want to protect not only yourself but also your child when working with our epoxy resin, be sure to follow the rules that are provided in our safety blog:
Safety Guidance For Using Craft Resin
You should make sure that the room you are working in or curing your work in has adequate ventilation, that you wear respirators because it is likely that you won't be able to tell if your ventilation is adequate, and that you take all necessary precautions to ensure that no skin comes into contact with the resin gallon kit or hardener. Even though our resin is one of the safest on the market, this is only true if the instructions are followed. So please make sure that you follow the instructions. This includes acquiring children's goggles, protective clothes, eyeglasses, gloves, and protective clothing.
Because children's sensitivity to chemicals may be greater than that of an adult, please keep them away from the epoxy resin while you are working on it. This is a safety precaution.
In contrast to adults, kids may not always have the self-control to refrain from touching their eyes, hair, or skin with gloved hands that may still contain epoxy resin. This is especially true if the kids are wearing gloves. At this point, you must educate them and keep a tight check on them to ensure that epoxy glue stays in unexpected places.
If epoxy glue comes into contact with their or your skin, remove it as quickly as possible with some soap and warm water, and keep a close check on them. If you have discomfort, you must seek medical treatment as soon as possible. There is always a potential that you or your child will have an allergic reaction to epoxy resin, even if neither of you has ever experienced such a reaction.

Can I leave my little child unsupervised when working with epoxy resin?
A responsible adult should always be present while a youngster is working with Craft Resin. Leaving children unsupervised is something other than what we advise. The risk of leaving your 17-year-old son or daughter alone with epoxy resin is minimal, and you may take that risk if you need to pop out of the room for a brief time. The dangers of letting your youngster operate alone with epoxy resin increase significantly if they are younger than 17.
However, this should be done at the parent's discretion since only you can determine if your child is of an appropriate age to use epoxy resin properly. Please consider whether you or another responsible adult in the area is close enough to help them if needed.
Even though most of the guidance offered for adults also applies to children, it is strongly suggested that a parent or another responsible adult be present whenever a child works with epoxy resin.
As a business, we can give you this advice and encourage you to think about what it says. We take no responsibility for anything that may occur due to someone ignoring any of the safety advice provided above or on our safety blog. If you are still determining whether it is safe for your child to work with epoxy resin, it is best to wait until they are older before introducing them to the material.
Even if they are too young to start manufacturing at this time, we still advise that they learn as much as they can about epoxy resin and study it so that they are ready to start when the time comes. Therefore, they will be well ahead of the many others who will take it up without knowing how to use it properly.
Also, before we part ways, know that your kids might not share your enthusiasm for working with epoxy resin. If you want to work with epoxy, you should ask them if they are interested, but you shouldn't force them to. They will only follow the guidelines or use the epoxy resin dye responsibly if they are motivated to do so.
We hope that if you choose to spend the summer with your kids, you'll use the time to spark their imaginations and enjoy one another's company.
Topic Of The Week Giveaway:
We have attached a giveaway to this Topic Of The Week announcement on our Instagram platform; this is helping us to spread the knowledge of how to use epoxy resin further, but also enabling anyone who helps us to share this information to win free resin and mica powders.
To enter the weekly giveaway, please see the latest post pinned to the top of our Instagram feed and follow the instructions to enter:
Team Craft Resin